Polly po-cket
Sunday, 17 June 2012

Dark Previews:
- The 2012 WWE No Way Out pre-show kicks off with Matt Striker and Scott Stanford hyping up tonight’s card.

- We go backstage where Primo, Epico and Rosa Mendes are arguing with Abraham Washington. They want to know what’s up with their tag team titleshot. AW has put them in a fatal four-way match with the winners being the new #1 contenders. AW promises them a great spotlight by the end of the night. Later on, it’ll be The Usos vs. Primo and Epico vs. Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel vs. Titus O’Neil and Darren Young.

- We see footage from this past week where David Otunga attacked Brodus Clay on SmackDown.

*Brodus Clay vs. David Otunga
Clay hits the big overhead suplex and Otunga ends up out on the floor. Otunga goes to re-enter the ring at the 8 count but stops and stares at the referee. Otunga allows himself to get counted out.
Winner by Count Out: Brodus Clay

- Josh Mathews is backstage with John Cena. He asks Cena if this may be the last time we see him. Cena cuts a promo on tonight’s steel cage match. He says the match will shake the foundation of WWE because either he or John Laurinaitis will get fired. Cena says the face of WWE will change tonight and there is No Way Out of that.

- The 2012 WWE No Way Out pay-per-view opens up with a video package for tonight’s steel cage main event with John Cena vs. Big Show.

- We’re live from the IZOD Center in East Rutherford, New Jersey as the pyro goes off and Michael Cole welcomes us to No Way Out. Cole is joined by Booker T and Jerry Lawler.

*World Heavyweight Title Match: Dolph Ziggler vs. (c)Sheamus
Ziggler fights back and goes for the sleeper again. Sheamus turns it into WhiteNoise and gets hyped up. Sheamus goes for the Brogue Kick and nails it for the win.
Winner: Sheamus

- Vince McMahon is backstage walking when John Laurinaitis walks up. Laurinaitis suggests Vince stay away from ringside since he has a concussion. Vince doesn’t have anything to say, he just walks off. Laurinaitis goes on but Vince stops him and slams his dressing room door. Josh Mathews approaches Laurinaitis for comment. Laurinaitis rips him and says he has a show to run, tonight, tomorrow and into the future. Laurinaitis storms off.

*Tuxedo Match: Ricardo Rodriguez vs. Santino Marella
Santino has his jacket and shirt on. One of Santino’s socks is a Cobra and Ricardo can’t pull it off. Santino hits Ricardo with a Cobra kick and strips off his pants for the win. Ricardo is wearing white briefs with Alberto Del Rio’s face on the back.
Winner: Santino Marella

- Matt Striker is backstage with CM Punk. He asks about AJ Lee. Punk says the match tonight isn’t about AJ. It’s about his WWE Title. AJ walks up and gives him a kiss on the cheek for good luck. Punk says thanks but luck is for losers and walks off as she smiles at him.

*WWE Intercontinental Title Match: Cody Rhodes vs. (c)Christian
Christian blocks the Disaster Kick. Christian has Killswitch blocked again. Cody misses the Disaster Kick again. Christian nails a spear for the win.
Winner: Christian(c)

*Primo and Epico vs. Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel vs. Titus O’Neil and Darren Young vs. The Usos
AW rolls Primo in the ring where Young is. Young drops Primo with a big knees to the gut for the win and #1 contendership.
Winners: Titus O’Neil and Darren Young
- After the match, AW enters the ring and raises the hands of O’Neil and Young. Epico and Primoargue with AW as Rosa enters the ring and runs her mouth. Epico drops AW with a right hand. O’Neiland Young attack them from behind and clean house. AW raises their hands again as a new group is formed.

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